How do you raise a Mini – Town:
It takes long time to build 1.000 houses.To plan and establish a town with more than 1.000 buildings is a big and complicated project, also a mini town in a scale of 1-10. All houses are built as exact copies of the houses you could see in Kjøge town from 1865. They are placed in the streets due to the city map from that time. All the buildings, except for the church, are built in our work shop and then transported to their places in town.
The group of historiansFirst and foremost the historians go to the local archives for facts and make descriptions of the various houses from old drawings, they survey maps and information from insurance company’s fire taxations lists from 1857 to 1867, as well as owner’s lists, census papers, old photos, postcards and paintings. They also study the old houses in town. |
The draughtsmenwill utilize the notes from the historians to make the drawings of the various houses in the scale 1:10 and copies of their drawings are sent to the various building groups. |
The brick and tile worksis making all types of bricks and tiles used in the Mini Town. We have a kiln in which the stones are being baked at a temperature of 1070 C. Over 24 hours the kiln automatic goes from 0 C up to 1070 and back to 0 C. |
The group for windows and doorsproduces the many designs of windows, doors and gates as well as garden fences. A carver makes the ornamentation in wood for the walls facing the streets, while a plumber makes gutters and downpipes. |
At the building sitepeople are making the timberworks for the half timbered houses. The houses are built here and windows, doors, gutters etc. are mounted. Finally the houses are painted and ready for being placed in the town. |
The gardenerstake care of the wonderful area surrounding the mini houses. They cut the mini trees and scrubs in the Mini Town as well as in an adjacent nursery. |
The Guide Groupis responsible for sale of tickets and souvenirs. They guide groups in English, German and Danish, also outside official hours, provided you have a booking. |
The PR-groupwill contact the various media. Run the home page. Print all necessary printings for the Mini Town including membership cards and magazines. |
The shipyardis also open to our visitors so that they can follow how we build model ships, and see how older ships are being taken care of |